Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Black jelly beans

I learned Easter morning that Isaac doesn't like black jelly beans (licorice). Apparently I'm the only person in this region that does. So I thought it was a rhetorical gamble, if there is such a thing, to bet Isaac today that I'd give him $10 if he ate 5 jelly beans. First of all, I didn't think money even mattered that much to him, and second of all, I figured if he started on one jelly bean he wouldn't be able to make it all the way through 5 before giving up. Low and behold, the kid grabbed 5 jelly beans, shoved all of them in his mouth, and commenced to chew them all completely, smiling the whole time. He didn't even wince.
Lesson learnt: the boy is tougher and more cunning than I imagined. Place future bets with caution.


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